Minister of the Interior Regulation No. 53 of 2007 on Regional Regulations and Regional Head Regulations

This ministerial regulation facilitates the implementation of art 42 of Government Regulation No. 79 of 2005, which states that the ministerial regulation will provide further provisions regarding supervisory procedures for regional regulations and regional head regulations, as well as the evaluation of draft regional regulations and draft regional head regulations.

More specifically, the regulation sets out the review (invalidation) process for all regional regulations, including the formation of a team to conduct the review (tim klarifikasi). Notably, for a clarification team to invalidate a regional head regulation, art 6(2) requires that that regulation conflict with 'the public interest, regional regulation and higher-level laws'. For a regional regulation to be invalidated, however, art 6(4) states that it only need conflict with 'the public interest and/or higher-level laws' (emphasis added).

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