Aceh Shari'a Court Decision No. 47 of 2009

The parties had divorced and sought from the Kutacene Shari'a Court (lower court) an order to have their joint assets stipulated and split. The lower court stipulated their joint assets as a shophouse, several parcels of land, a house, 15 household appliances, and a motorised-trishaw (becak), and ordered that the necessary measures be taken by the parties to ensure an even 50/50 split.

While the appellant sought to challenge the decision, the Court found that the appellant had incorrectly executed his power of attorney to grant power to his legal advisors to act on his behalf. Rather than specifying the court as the Aceh Shari'a Court (Mahkamah Syar'iyah Aceh), the appellant had written the Banda Aceh High Shari'a Court (Mahkmah Syari'ah Tinggi Banda Aceh). While the power of attorney document had been furnished with the necessary stamp duty, it was also missing signatures and the date. Accordingly, the Court dismissed the appeal.

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