Aceh Shari'a Court Decision No. 43 of 2008

The appellant sought to challenge the decision of the Meulaboh Shari'a Court (lower court), which had granted the respondent an irrevocable divorce (talak satu bain shugra), ordered the appellant to transfer the parties' child into the care of the respondent, and ordered the appellant to pay to the respondent IDR 200,000 per month in child maintenance until the child had become of age.

The Court found the reasoning of the lower court to be sound and affirmed its decision, while slightly amending the formulation of the lower court's decision. The Court did, however, disagree with the decision of the lower court insofar as it dismissed the appellant's claim regarding the parties' joint assets. The Court stated it would deal with the appellant's joint assets claim in a separate proceeding.

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