Khuzāʿī (d. 1387-8), ʿAlī b. Muḥammad al-. Takhrīj al-dalālāt al-samʿiyya. Pages 567-568.

This historical source records ʿAlī’s endowment of the land at Yanbuʿ to his heirs. Khuzāʿī (d. 789/1387–8) cites Mubarrad’s account of the endowment, <link>, in which ʿAlī’s companion Abū Nayzar shares a meal with ʿAlī and the latter begins to work the spring; upon realizing its strength, he calls for a pen and paper to sign over the spring as a charitable endowment “for the Medinan poor and [for] travelers,” to be administered exclusively by Ḥasan and Ḥusayn.

In her chapter on land and leadership in early Islamic societies in Justice and Leadership in Early Islamic Courts, Intisar Rabb draws on this source to demonstrate the complexity of the ʿAlid endowments establishing their entitlement to the land.

This source is part of the Online Companion to the book Justice and Leadership in Early Islamic Courts,ed. Intisar A. Rabb and Abigail Krasner Balbale (ILSP/HUP 2017)—a collection of primary sources  and other material used in and related to the book.

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