Aceh Shari'a Court Decision No. 76 of 2010

The Tapaktuan Shari'a Court (lower court) had granted the respondent a revocable divorce (talak satu raj'i), but had also ordered him to pay to the appellant IDR 5.4 million in madhiyah (material support), and IDR 1.8 million for iddah (100-day period after divorce has been granted). The appellant was also granted custody of the parties' child.

The appellant sought to challenge the decision of the lower court in order to compel the respondent to provide her with greater monetary compensation. The Court cited art 149 of the Compilation of Islamic Laws, which obligates an ex-husband to provide his ex-wife with mut'ah (divorce compensation), in both object and monetary form, to the best of his means. In doing so, it increased the orders of the lower court in terms of monies payable by the respondent to the appellant to the following:

  1. IDR 10.8 million (madhiyah);
  2. IDR 1.8 million (mut'ah);
  3. IDR 1.8 million (maskan and kiswah - accommodation and clothing); and
  4. IDR 500,000 per month (child maintenance).
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