Aceh Shari'a Court Decision No. 61 of 2008

The Jantho Shari'a Court (lower court) had granted the respondent a revocable divorce (talak satu), but had granted the appellant custody of the parties' child. As part of the appellant's counterclaim, the lower court also ordered the respondent to pay to the appellant IDR 3 million for iddah (100-day period after divorce has been granted), IDR 7 million for mut'ah (divorce compensation), kiswah (clothing) and maskan (accommodation), and IDR 1 million per month in child maintenance until the parties' child was of age and independent.

In dismissing the appeal, the Court found that, per art 19(f) of Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975, sufficient evidence had been produced to suggest there had been ongoing conflict and disagreement between the parties, meaning any hope of the parties living together harmoniously once again was gone. It did, however, change the amounts payable by the respondent to the appellant to: IDR 5 million for iddah, IDR 7 million for mut'ah (divorce compensation), kiswah (clothing) and maskan (accommodation), and IDR 1.5 million per month in child maintenance.

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