Aceh Shari'a Court Decision No. 40 of 2010

Dahlan Sani Bin M. Zen passed away in 1971. His wife, Nurdencis Binti Atim, one of his beneficiaries under his will, passed away in 2006, leaving their son Masrizal Sani (respondent) as sole beneficiary.

The Sinabang Shari'a Court (lower court) stipulated as joint assets of the two deceased six separate parcels of land. Half of that estate became the property of Nurdencis Binti Atim, and the other half that of the respondent. The respondent was also bequeathed seven-eighths of Dahlan Sani Bin M. Zen's remaining property (tirkah), while Nurdencis Binti Atim was bequeathed one-eighth.

After Dahlan Sani Bin M. Zen's passing, Nurdencis Binti Atim married Khairuddin Den Bin Zinuddin Joyo (first appellant), with whom she had a house. Upon her passing, half of that house was devised to her beneficiaries: the respondent and second-sixth appellants. So too were half of her joint assets with Dahlan Sani Bin M. Zen, and one-eighth of Dahlan Sani Bin M. Zen's remaining property. Accordingly, the Court stipulated that the respondent was to receive two-ninths of his deceased mother's property, while the second-sixth appellants received one-ninth if they were female, and two-ninths if they were male.

The Court upheld the decision of the lower court.

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