Saudi Arabia's General Presidency of Islamic Research and Ifta on Abortion

Saudi Arabia's General Presidency of Islamic Research and Iftā respond to questions on abortion and the usage of ultrasound technology to determine the stage of a pregnancy. They state that although a fetus is recognized as the creation of a human being after 80 days based on the positions of Shaykh Muḥammad Ibn ʿUthāymīn and Shaykh ʿAbdul-ʿAzīz Ibn Bāz, with that marking the beginning of postpartum, if ultrasound technology identifies what appears to be an image of a human being prior to day 80, the fetus should still be recognized as the creation of a human being. They continue that if a pregnancy is past 80days, but ultrasound technology does not show a human image, then it is not considered a pregnancy.

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