Blitar Religious Court Decision No. 249 of 2015: Revocable Divorce

The parties were married on 21 August 1998 and had remained happily married for 16 years. Since July 2012, however, they had begun to quarrel regularly because, the applicant submitted, the parties had been unable to conceive a child. As a result, the parties had separated in June 2014. The applicant submitted that a divorce was the only feasible option.

The court acceded to the applicant's request for a revocable divorce (talak satu raj'i), pursuant to art 37 of the elucidation of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage, art 19(f) of Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975, and art 116(f) of the Compilation of Islamic Laws, on the grounds of ongoing conflict.

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