Idi Shari'a Court Decision No. 2 of 2009: Gambling

The prosecution submitted that, on 14 September 2009 at around 4.00pm, the second co-accused had paid the first co-accused IDR 20,000 to place several bingo (toto gelap) bets. Upon leaving the house in which the co-accused had made the transaction, both co-accused were arrested by Pante Bidari sectoral police. At the same time, the police seized books containing bingo numbers, as well as IDR 1,138,000 in cash, from the first co-accused. The prosecution submitted that both of the co-accused were Muslims, domicilied in East Aceh (Aceh Timur), and were aware that gambling, according to Islamic shari'a, is forbidden (haram). Moreover, gambling is prohibited under arts 5 and 23(1) of Aceh Qanun No. 13 of 2003 on Gambling, in conjunction with art 55(1) of the Indonesian Criminal Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana).

Items seized by police were entered as evidence by the prosecution, including the IDR 1,138,000 in cash, and information provided witnesses corroborated with the prosecution's submissions. Accordingly, pursuant to the Qanun, the court sentenced the first co-accused to eight strokes of the cane, and the second co-accused to six strokes of the cane.

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