Sinjai Regency Regulation No. 4 of 2009 on the Surveillance and Control of the Production, Distribution, Storage, Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages

This regional regulation is an example of a regulation that, arguably, Islamises public life without making specific reference to Islam or religion (agama). It states that its purpose is to prevent the production, distribution, storage, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in Sinjai regency because of the negative impact alcohol has on the health of the populace, the criminality and other social ills it encourages, the damage it causes to people's morals, the reduction in economic productivity for which it is responsible, and the social vulnerability, and harm to societal order and security to which it gives rise (art 2(1)). Accordingly, all persons and entities are prohibited from producing, distributing, placing, channelling, and selling (importing, retailing) alcoholic beverages in Sinjai regency (art 3(1)).

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