Banjarmasin Municipal Regulation No. 6 of 2001 on Vagrancy, Beggar and Sexual Promiscuity Countermeasures

In preambular statement (c), this regional regulation states that begging constitutes a mental illness or laziness not in accordance with religious teachings, while sexual promiscuity constitutes conduct that is contrary to social and religious norms, that endangers young lives, and increases the spread of HIV/AIDS. Accordingly, the regulation prohibits vagrancy and begging en masse or alone, with the intent to engender pity in others (art 2(1)). Moreover, it prohibits the equipping of other persons, including babies and infants, to beg (art 2(2)). It also prohibits prostitution and sexual promiscuity (arts 5, 6 and 8). Violation of arts 5, 6 or 8 carries a maximum penalty of three months' imprisonment or IDR 1 million (art 11(1)).

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