Ambon Religious Court Decision No. 75 of 2011: Divorce Case Dismissed Due To Absence

The parties were married on 7 August 1991 and had four children. After marrying, the parties lived in their own home in Jakarta, before moving to Ambon. From 1997-1999, the parties lived in a rental property, before moving to their own home where they lived from 1999-2009. The parties sold the home in 2009 after their business was declared bankrupt, after which time they lived in rental accommodation. The applicant submitted that since the parties' business had been declared bankrupt, their home was sold, and their finances were in a somewhat dire state, they had quarrelled regularly. Moreover, on 6 July 2010, the parties had begun to sleep in separate beds and had neglected their spousal obligations to one another. On 7 November 2010, the respondent texted the applicant in regard to their continuing domestic problems, requesting that the parties divorce amicably, threatening that if they did not divorce she would kill herself. Accordingly, the applicant requested the court's permission to divorce the respondent (talak satu raj'i).

When both parties failed to attend court, however, the court was forced to dismiss the claim.

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