Balikpapan Religious Court Decision No. 650 of 2014

The parties were married on 10 October 2010 and had two children. The marriage had been harmonious until November 2013, after which time the parties had begun to quarrel frequently. The applicant submitted that this was because the respondent did not appreciate the applicant as her husband, often flouting the applicant's wishes in public, and had failed to care for the applicant when he was unwell. The respondent had also suggested to the applicant that the parties separate for the sake of the children. Accordingly, the applicant sought a divorce (talak satu raj'i).

The court acceded to the applicant's request on the grounds of ongoing conflict between the parties, pursuant to art 19(f) of Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975, and art 116(f) of the Compilation of Islamic Laws. The court also acknowledged that the parties' marriage was no longer a peaceful, hopeful and loving domestic life based on the principle of One Almighty God, as envisaged by art 1 of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage, and art 3 of the Compilation of Islamic Laws.

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