Malang Religious Court Determination No. 1116 of 2015: Amendment to Marriage Book

The parties were married on 26 November 2010, after which they had lived in Malang for five years and had one child. Upon receiving their marriage book (buku nikah) they had realised that it incorrectly stated the second applicant's place of birth was Yogyakarta, when in actual fact it was Sleman. As a result, the second applicant had encountered certain professional administrative obstacles. Accordingly, the applicants sought an amendment to their marriage book.

Pursuant to arts 1870 and 1865 the Indonesian Civil Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata), and arts 1(5) and 34(2) of the Regulation of the Minister of Religion No. 11 of 2007 on Marriage Registration, the court acceded to the applicants' request.

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