Gunungkidul Regency Regulation No. 4 of 2010 on Controlling the Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages

While this regional regulation does not specifically refer to religion (agama) or Islam, it aims to provide legal certainty for the community and law-enforcers in the monitoring and controlling of the distribution of alcoholic beverages. It is also concerned with societal behaviour and curbing crime resulting from alcohol abuse. It categorises alcoholic beverages in accordance with their alcoholic content (A - 0-5%; B - 6-20%; C - 21-55%) and qualifies that they may only be distributed and sold by direct sellers in: 

  1. 3-, 4-, or 5-star hotels; and
  2. certain fine-dining restaurants (Tanda Talam Kencana dan Talam Seloka).

Alcohol of types B and/or C sold in the above designated places may be consumed in hotel rooms on the condition that containers contain no more than 187 ml. If the region does not have such designated places, the regulation permits the regent to designate such places, after considering the tourist activities conducted in the area. The regulation places a blanket prohibition on beverages with an alcoholic content in excess of 55%.

Retailers are only permitted to sell alcohol in packaging, in designated areas, away from places of worship, schools, hospitals, or other places stipulated by the regent. The regent is also required to assemble a team comprising specialists in trade, industry, health, tourism, security and social order. The regulation also regulates the storage of alcoholic beverages, obligates alcohol vendors to submit official quarterly reports of their alcohol sales to the Kepala Dinas, and obliges society to assist in the monitoring and controlling of the distribution of alcoholic beverages.

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