National Shari'a Board - Indonesian Council of Ulama Fatwa No. 91 of 2014 on Syndicated Financing

This fatwa recognises the increase in shari'a-type business, as well as the demand for clarification on fiqh muamalah maliyah (commercial goods law), in order to increase its status and role. It also recognises that shari'a financial institutions have requested a fatwa for the development of syndicated shari'a financial products. The fatwa defines syndicated financing (al-tamwil al-mashrifi al-mujamma') as an agreement between several financial institutions (be they all shari'a financial institutions, or some shari'a financial institutions and some conventional financial institutions) to jointly-finance a specific project. Syndicated financing agreements can take the form of sale-purchase agreements, rental agreements, and joint-venture agreements. In the event all financial institutions are shari'a-based, all relevant information can be contained in one document. If some of the participating financial institutions are conventional, i.e. not shari'a-based, the conventional institutions must have their relevant information in a separate document from that of the shari'a-based financial institutions.

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